torsdag 25 augusti 2011

Let's do this

OKAY, so, pretty much a lot happened lately. First, my parents went to Turkey => me and my brother is home alone pretty much all week. Second, Gustav started High School last Monday, which means that he was engaged in something called "nollning", that's when you play humiliating games (with sexual undertones and the seniors give the poor sixteen-year-olds tons of homemade wine. Totally illegal. And yet, I thought it would be okay to let Gus go on these events. I trusted him and I thought he was strong enough to resist the huge peer pressure and say no to alcohol and stuff. But yeah, last Friday I came home from my class' nollning at 10 PM, tired to death. And Gus wasn't home. And he didn't answer the phone. Yayaya I thought and watched the TV for two hours, alternately sleeping. By 12 o'clock the phone rang. I answered. It was the freaking HOSPITAL! Yes, Gus had had a huge amount of too much wine and was really hypothermic. Thank God someone rushed him to the hospital! I started crying, mostly out of shock and anger (yeah, I'm one of those who cry when they get freaking mad). And I screamed after I laid back the phone. I was FUCKING MAD. Yayyaa, my neighbor had to go to the hospital and stay the night there and stuff. Enough said. When my parents came home they didn't even freak. I'm so pissed, and they're like:"It's OK, Gus, it happens to everyone." And I'm like :" Dude, I've written down a whole list with punishments for you!".

GAAH. They didn't even cut him off his allowance. GAY.

Yayaa, school's been a pain in the ass now, since I'm known as the one with the brother who went to the hospital because he can't handle alcohol and since I have a presentation of a dumb painting tomorrow and it's gonna turn out pretty "I'm a little perfect school girl". Not even the teachers like that stuff.

And my foot still hurts.

Thumbs up for my new iPhone though (3gs but whatever, it was cheap.)

P.S. Listen to Bon Iver's Minnesota, WI !! SO AWESOME, MY TYPE OF SONG! Like pretty soothing while still sometimes really ripping it sometimes+ some really admirable vocals.

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