onsdag 27 juli 2011

We're kings of the night

Hello. Now we're in Linköping again. After having travelled 121 miles in one day, I woke up pretty tired this morning. I've been really crabby all day. Now I'm going to clean up. Later I might go for a jog.

fredag 22 juli 2011

Distress in Oslo

Okay. So when I turned on my computer this afternoon, I clicked my way in on my favorite news-webpage. I saw the words : Explosion in Oslo-several killed. And I was chocked. In OSLO? The nice city in Norway? That civilized city? No way. That's just horrible. And later there was a gunman on an island close to Oslo that killed a few politically active adolescents too! O my God. Where is the world heading? And the starving-catastrophe in Africa? Everything seems to be horrible in the world right now.

tisdag 19 juli 2011

Obsessions, thoughts and stuff.

Wow. I haven't written here for quite a while now. Well, we're past mid-summer holidays and we're now day by day stepping towards August and school start. I can't exactly say I'm looking forward to it.

During these sunny but not extremely hot summerdays (We're in northern Sweden, and it never get's especially hot here. We're almost by the North Pole, dude.) I get kind of bored. I don't really haveany projects. I guess I like to have projects going but more often I feel like a non-project kind of girl. So, due to me not filling my time with projects, I get obsessed by things instead. I guess that's not a really admirable quality. I'm feeling like one of these Justin Bieber fans, or Twilight fan (which I am, but not hardcore, cause that's gay* and not independent at all, I admire independent people.) Anyhow. I enjoy obsessing about stuff when I'm bored. My obsessions the last weeks have been: This , This, and food and baking. I'm like not a very active person, so I'm gonna strive for a better physique the coming days, weeks, months, years. I've spent quite a little time in comparison to other summers reading books. I guess I've become more restless during the years. I'm seventeen now. I'm old.

Found this guy on Youtube this evening. I love his voice. Not as raspy as Rob Pattinson but close enough :). And he looks good to, even if he flirts a little to much with the camera and is a little too androgynous for my taste. Whatever, men that sing and play guitar are sexy. Enough said.

I'm thinking of starting with Tumblr. It all seems so relaxed and unpretentious.

*Speaking of gay, I really don't have anything against homosexual persons. I'm just not attracted to them. Anyhow, the word gay has come to mean something different to me; similar to foolish and ridiculous and lame and devious. It's just an overall word I use sometimes when I'm too lazy to come up with a better word.