torsdag 16 juni 2011

last friday night

Ok, almost one week since we ended school for summer vacation. I've been to Italy. We had a nice time. Bought some clothes. I didn't like when some yucky italian guy tried to bring me to a bar and buy me coffee: first: I hate coffee, second; he was yucky, third; I wanted to shop, fourth; my mom was downstairs, fifth; I know what he wanted, and it was not coffee... yayayaya. I'm home now. Nice. Been watching desperate housewives all day. Think I'm going for a jog/powerwalk later. I have like no energy anymore! :(

fredag 10 juni 2011

I lay down on the cold ground and I

OK. Ended school today. Heading for summer holidays now. FINALLY! I AM EXHAUSTED. Seriously. I can't even see anything before my eyes standing up from a chair, I'm that tired. Tomorrow me and my madre are going to Italy! FUUN

söndag 5 juni 2011

Ease my mind will you

Böö. Woke up 10:30 AM today. Feels like I'm wasting the whole day away. Been home from London for almost 3 days now. It was awesome! Did some shopping too. In a week I'm in Italy! Looking forward to it, a lot!!! It's really sunny here right now. And warm. Think I'll be going for a jog later. First, some sunbathing I think..